Sunday, May 15, 2011

My husband's health is changing noticeably

After being out of town for four days, much to my surprise Rick is already looking and acting more healthy.  The dark circles that are notorious for him are fading and his entire energy level is so much better.  He is excited to try new food things and is hooked on the juicing and green smoothies.  I am trying not to get over excited myself at the changes because I was vegetarian before meeting him.  My own energy levels and concentration and better mental outlook is noticeable to me too.

I made yogurt, fresh berries and banana smoothies for breakfast and then we had a great all fresh greens, sprouts and veggies for dinner along with homemade sunflower bread.  Rick made that~!  I am still happily full and did not get sleepy on my drive here to Clarion.  I will make the most of fresh fruits and veggies this week while I am away!

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